Mitarbeiter diskutieren über Cyber Threats


The Insider Threat: Real Defense for Real Businesses Webinar Replay

Insider data leaks, whether malicious or accidental, can be caused by anyone: the extra-helpful customer service rep, the highly privileged IT admin or the jet-setting CFO. How do you detect and mitigate insider data leaks and reduce the potential for such incidents in the first place?

In this webinar, learn how cybersecurity professionals can address the insider threat without shutting down business. Attend this webinar and you’ll learn:

  • What essentials must be in your end user awareness program and how to make those lessons stick
  • Which tools and techniques can be used to enforce security policies when your users unintentionally or maliciously try to break them
  • How you can spot the signs of an impending or ongoing insider data leak and respond


  • Katie Burnell – Global Insider Threat Specialist, Dtex Systems
  • Kurt Wescoe – Chief Architect, Proofpoint Security Awareness Training
  • Sara Peters – Senior Editor, Dark Reading

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